Wednesday, October 10, 2007

YU taken to task over David Berger

The Scandal of YU's Offensive Appointment

Courtesy of

A little hazy on the details, but a request at the same time polite yet forceful. Let the reign of defensiveness and apologetics end, let freedom of expression ring.


Anonymous said...

I thought Y.U. was Orthodox, till they started the Gay club(ok not part of Yeshiva ,still something to be very 'proud' about)now we have a Lubab club!Kool!
Btw, why dosen't this kid just go to the many Lubab 'yeshivas'?
I wonder what would happen in Lubab central inc. if there was any other club besides Rebbe shlit'a,hey actually Lubab succesfully rid Crown Heights of any non Lubab shuls!Oh how 'open-minded' they are.Not.
Guravitzer-Why is it that your blog is interchangeable with a Millhouse blog or a Tzig blog or a Berl CH blog?Is it something in the water(or kasheh)of Crwn Heights that clones you all into the same, parroting robots?
You hear, read one Lubab, you've heard and read them all!

Guravitzer said...

I will try to educate you, my dear Gersh, as you have stumbled on over here. You seem to be trying to make a point. I would like to help you make it.

Let us begin with your last paragraph. To succesfully make your point, you will need to actually describe (not just inform me) how all of our blogs are similar. Then we can discuss it point by point.

btw, Lubavitch closed no non Lubavitch shuls, they ran away because of crime, and at least one is still there.

Anonymous said...

'They ran away because of crime'
Yeah, partially true.Lubab were happy to gain the upper hand, till than the Lubab were another group amongst a majority of non Lubab.After they started leaving the rest ran because of the Lubab, nobody will live with them.This is a fact.I'm willing to bet that there is virtually no 'majority' Lubavitch neighborhood.The second a neighborhood goes majority Lubab all the rest leave, thereby becoming a total Lubavitch (and black neigborhood)
Surprise!!Lakewood, the so called Snag City has thousands of what Lubab derisevly call Chag's chasidim, tens of chassidishe shtiebels,sefardim,Square,Ger,Vizhnitz and yes!A Lubavitcher shul!!
Quite a bit more 'open-minded' that the Lubab clones.
What has Crown Heights got? Two small sefardy shuls, whose mispalelim were won over by arranging for cheap subsidized housing in the black area where nobody else will live and the vaad hakohol is desperate not to lose their control over the city housing?
How about Kfar Chabad, how many non Lubab shuls in this 'loving' place? Gornot,gurnisht, chai-shpai
(maybe one Sefardy one with the same reason as the above)
Bottom line:With Lubavitch, you either join or if you can you flee!

Guravitzer said...

You have ignored my request. Is there a reason for that?

Is there a reason why kfar chabad should have non Chabad shuls?

Are the rest of your "facts" as solid as this? The Lubavitcher Rebbe begged the other groups not to leave. So much for being "happy".

As I asked, please support your conjectures (such as calling certain groups "open minded" and others "clones") with facts and details. Otherwise, it's just your belief, your rechilus, your loshon hora, as valid a belief as Buddhism.

Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...

sounds like Gershy's zeide maybe didn't make so much on his house in Crown Heights. poor guy.

Anonymous said...

'Is there a reason why Kfar Chabad should have non Chabad shuls'

Answer is a bit tough, cuz personally I believe that one should keep as far away.Harchek meshochen.....To many issues of chinuch,tznius etc.

BUT,I was asking 'leshitoschem' that you are the chosen, the loving, the goody goods.Why is it that Lakewood for example has so many different groups and your Capital has none.
Reason is that people who are non Lubab don't want to around Lubavitcher.Now it's your chance to figure out why.
Actually your twin clone, The Tzig, even he, when he moved out of Boro Park, chose to avoid the simple subway ride from CH to work and move to the non Lubab Monsey.
I guess in the Tzigs case, talk is cheap

Guravitzer said...

so if you believe you should keep away, why are you here talking to me?

Anonymous said...

I have to fight the good war!
(that's meant as a joke, got to clarify that because the Lubab sennse of humour can be lacking)
I meant that the standards of Lubavitch are to low for other Ultra Orthodox(chareidim-heimishe)so living with them carries spiritual dangers
That does not mean we cannot have a virtual debate.

Mottel said...

Gersh, why is it that all of you snag clones make the same comments? Poorly writen, ignorant and inane.
Is it the k'fira in the air of your yeshivos, or the hatred in your tap water?

Guravitzer said...

gersh, do you seriously believe that Lubavitchers are more or less lacking in humor than all other humans?

Thank you for clarifying that you came to debate. No problem. Let us start with the last point you made: Please provide one example in which Lubavitch has lowered their standards. Remember as well that standards are a practical matter, they are not ideological stands.

Anonymous said...

Let's start with the Alter Rebbe's takonos concerning tefillah

Milhouse said...

Actually, my blog (which I haven't updated in a loooong time, must get back to that soon) is very easily distinguishable from this one and from Tzig's. Shows from where you're talking.

The rest of your comment is so silly and counter-factual that it's hard to grab hold of it to refute it. It seems to come from some Bizarro-world. Are you sleep-posting?

Mottel said...

And my dear Gresha, was the AR's tekanas for tefillah?

Milhouse said...

Sorry, I messed up the link to my blog. This one should work. And as you can see it has nothing at all in common with either the Circus Tent or this blog.

Anonymous said...

His name is Rabbi Berger.

Anonymous said...

not is this blog

Anonymous said...

Berger is a MOrron

Anonymous said...

Great work.